
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Project Noah

At our last meeting, I brought up Project Noah. Project Noah is a citizen-science program that allows people to report their "spottings" of plant and animal life to the Project Noah website. Spottings include common and scientific names, a photo, a map location, and a description of the animal or plant and its habitat, plus any other notes that the photographer would like to add. Other users across the world can comment on and "favorite" spottings.

Each photographer has their own page that consists of their "collection" of spottings. You can see my page by going to "Organisms" and searching on "Gordon Dietzman" (yeah, I'm an organism....) and then clicking on my name where it pops up.

Spottings can be added through the website itself or through the Project Noah app, available on iTunes.

The PN website also has a mission feature. A user can create and manage a mission for a specific subject, such as "The Life of Fort Snelling State Park". Others can add their pertinent subjects to that mission.

It's a great way to share with others what you've found and, in the case of a mission, to create an inventory of life within a specific area. Learn more at the Project Noah ( website.

Using a PN mission might be a fun project for the club and also a way to share our photos in an easy to use format. Let me know what you think or if you have any questions.


  1. Thanks for informing the club about this cool project. :-)
    There is also a Project Noah mobile app available for both the iPhone and the Andriod:

  2. Just looked at this...impressed...put it as a favorite for IE
