Whats Blooming?
Yesterday we had a good day at the open house. The rain held off and I had time to take a little stroll to see what was blooming in this late spring.
Golden Alexander, native
Alkali Buttercup, native
The Alkali Buttercup is considered endangered or threatened in many states, including Wisconsin, but not Minnesota.
Leafy Spurge, invasive, Europe
Leafy Spurge is on the noxious weed list for Minnesota and can be hard to eradicate.
Canada Anemone, native
Virginia Waterleaf, native
Dame's Rocket
Dame's Rocket may be confused for a wild phlox, but phlox all have 5-petaled flowers, not 4. Dame's Rocket is a prolific bloomer and a single plant produces a large quantity of seed. It can form massive colonies and crowd out native plants.
Common Fleabane, native
Photo by Doug Schurr